Every Friday I'm going to do a recap of how I've been progressing on my three game rule journey. Here are a couple highlights from this week.
Ni No Kuni for PS3
Everyone needs a faithful dragon companion |
I've put in a couple hours of Ni No Kuni this week. I feel I'm getting close to the end which really means I have 20 or 30 hours to go. The big plot twist has been revealed and the main character Oliver is becoming a very powerful wizard. I'm not going to spoil any plot for you, but if you haven't played this game I highly recommend it. Image the love child of FFX, Pokemon, and Study Ghibli and you have Ni No Kuni.
Rift for PC
I got my Raptr pet! |
I'm still achievement hunting and doing a couple dailies. Leveling is going slowly.
World of Warcraft for PC
I think I would like to be an Undead Warlock if I played again... |
I found a Colorado guild through Meetup so popped into WoW to see if I could talk to an officer. After being in for about 10 minutes I decided I really don't feel like playing WoW anymore and promptly logged out. The magic just isn't there anymore, and even though raiding is still appealing to me, I'd rather try it out in Rift
Neverwinter for PC
Spider mount is epic! |
The servers have been pretty laggy for me this week, which discourages play. It's a shame, it's really a fun game to play, regardless of all the whining about the cash shop. I haven't run into any issues with the cash shop and thoroughly enjoy playing player-created content through the Foundry.
Pokemon Pearl for Nintendo DS
This little guy was my starter this time around. So CUTE! |
I beat Pokemon Diamond sometime in 2012 so replaying the same story is very meh for me right now. My boyfriend and I are kind of playing together (he's playing my version of Diamond) so we're taking it slowly and enjoying catching 'em all. He's making the game more fun to play.
Bioshock for PC
Yes I'm playing the first one. Yes it's slow going for me. I think I'm about 6 hours in and did about an hour this week... while Defiance was downloading.
Defiance for PC
I don't know where all my screenshots were saved too. BEHOLD random photo from the internet |
We played a couple hours in the free to play weekend of this game. I actually thought it was a lot of fun, Kyle thought it was pretty meh for a shooter. I don't know if this is really worth buying...
Don't Starve for PC
Must.....Survive.... |
Addictive. You die a lot. Just go buy it, it's lots of fun.
Wow, I'm so spread on games it's no wonder I don't finish anything. I didn't even touch Assassin's Creed 2 this week as I planned. I think I'll finish Ni No Kuni first.
Back to gaming I go!