Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week #2 Goals

A new week has dawned! And with it some new goals!

The face I pretty much never see

I hit level 50 today, very exciting. I zipped over to the new continent just to realize my skinning wasn't up to paar. So back to Droughtlands I went to continue working on finishing the quest and improve my skinning a couple points. I hope by the end of the week to be about 53, but we'll see.

Ni No Kuni
So pretty...

I would like to put in a handful more hours and finish whatever tasks I can find. I think I'm at about 83% completion on tasks and I will finish them before I beat the game.

I might have been too lazy to take a screenshot... shh don't tell anyone ;)

We have a bunch of friends who are wanting to play this with us, so hopefully get some hours with said friends.

Fear me!

Maybe an hour or two on this one? Hopefully? We'll see if there is time with work and other games.

Denver Comic Con
Yay Comic Con!

Coming to you this weekend! I'm super excited and will hopefully have some pictures at the end of the week.

And thus we start the week whee! More games!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Ni No Kuni and a surprise! *SPOILERS*

So I played a bit more of Ni No Kuni and had a very interesting moment. Now if you've finished the game, you know what's coming. If you haven't stop reading now because this will spoil it all for you.

Seriously stop reading if you haven't finished Ni No Kuni




I reached the point in Ni No Kuni where you finally get to battle Shadar. The battle is in three parts and I'm glad I saved pretty much all of my SP items and had stocked up on coffee and cappuccinos before I started. The entire time I was thinking "Ok, this game is well funded and we all know the White Witch is the true villan here. I betchya anything the story will pretend to end then just continue." Sure enough that's exactly what happens.

Seriously, I've made omelettes before, I saw this coming. If you understand this reference kudos to you.




I'm excited to see how Ni No Kuni actually ends. I'm having a blast playing it and am glad to see the story start to finally come together.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Weekly Progress #1

Every Friday I'm going to do a recap of how I've been progressing on my three game rule journey. Here are a couple highlights from this week.

Ni No Kuni for PS3
Everyone needs a faithful dragon companion
I've put in a couple hours of Ni No Kuni this week. I feel I'm getting close to the end which really means I have 20 or 30 hours to go. The big plot twist has been revealed and the main character Oliver is becoming a very powerful wizard. I'm not going to spoil any plot for you, but if you haven't played this game I highly recommend it. Image the love child of FFX, Pokemon, and Study Ghibli and you have Ni No Kuni.

Rift for PC

I got my Raptr pet!
I'm still achievement hunting and doing a couple dailies. Leveling is going slowly.

World of Warcraft for PC
I think I would like to be an Undead Warlock if I played again...
I found a Colorado guild through Meetup so popped into WoW to see if I could talk to an officer. After being in for about 10 minutes I decided I really don't feel like playing WoW anymore and promptly logged out. The magic just isn't there anymore, and even though raiding is still appealing to me, I'd rather try it out in Rift

Neverwinter for PC
Spider mount is epic!
The servers have been pretty laggy for me this week, which discourages play. It's a shame, it's really a fun game to play, regardless of all the whining about the cash shop. I haven't run into any issues with the cash shop and thoroughly enjoy playing player-created content through the Foundry.

Pokemon Pearl for Nintendo DS
This little guy was my starter this time around. So CUTE!
I beat Pokemon Diamond sometime in 2012 so replaying the same story is very meh for me right now. My boyfriend and I are kind of playing together (he's playing my version of Diamond) so we're taking it slowly and enjoying catching 'em all. He's making the game more fun to play.

Bioshock for PC

Yes I'm playing the first one. Yes it's slow going for me. I think I'm about 6 hours in and did about an hour this week... while Defiance was downloading.

Defiance for PC
I don't know where all my screenshots were saved too. BEHOLD random photo from the internet
We played a couple hours in the free to play weekend of this game. I actually thought it was a lot of fun, Kyle thought it was pretty meh for a shooter. I don't know if this is really worth buying...

Don't Starve for PC
Addictive. You die a lot. Just go buy it, it's lots of fun.

Wow, I'm so spread on games it's no wonder I don't finish anything. I didn't even touch Assassin's Creed 2 this week as I planned. I think I'll finish Ni No Kuni first.

Back to gaming I go!

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Girl and her Skeleton: Part 1

I said I would write a Rift post today, so here you go.

I started playing Rift again recently when Raptr was giving away the expansion and one month of game time for free. I decided to start playing my Mage Moonsyn with the Necromancer soul tree. 

For those of you who don't know in Rift you pick one of four classes, Warrior, Cleric, Mage, or Rogue.   You then pick three souls from ten to combine into the class you want to play. There are four roles for souls, Tank, DPS, Healer, and Support. You can see all of the Rift souls and classes here. It's a pretty neat system and you can swap between your preset soul choices. Mages can DPS, heal, or support depending on their soul configuration. 

Moonsyn has most of her points in Necromancer with the others in Warlock and Dominator. She is currently level 45 out of a max of 60.
Moonsyn and her Skeleton Companion
Rift is a very polished MMO that continues to impress me. I'm intrigued by what end game is like and hope to do some raiding. I've been leveling pretty slowly honestly. I'm spending a lot of time collecting artifacts which are Rifts collection system. You pick up little sparkles from the ground and each one has a collection set it goes into. Once you complete a set you can turn them in for various rewards. There are so many collection sets though it's a little bit overwhelming. I think I have a total of 15 completed out of who knows how many... a lot.

I also have been completing all the quests in an area. You can "mentor" in Rift which allows you to adjust your level down so you don't have to worry about out leveling an area. In addition to questing I've been doing achievements. I almost have all the cheevos in the first Defiant starting zone, Freemarch. I'm still missing the achievement related to artifacts and Instant Adventures.

Instant Adventures are a kind of neat feature to Rift. You queue to join a group either for a random zone or a specific one. In that zone you get several objectives to complete, mostly of the Kill Ten Rats variety. It's a great way to quickly get XP and a mindless activity to do during conference calls... ha. Currently in my Freemarch Achievement hunt I need to complete 500 Instant Adventures (at about 230 now) and kill one more boss. The bosses randomly spawn, so hopefully in the next 270 adventures I'll get the one I'm missing. I have a bad feeling the Achievement is really for 1000 it just hasn't shown me yet.

So there ya go, part one of a Girl and her Skeleton. Tune in next time to see how how achievement and leveling is going with Moonsyn!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Achievement Unlocked!

My boyfriend gets on me for Achievement hunting in MMOs. He's been joking about encouraging me IRL by giving me achievements certificates. After posting my first new blog post I received this gem.
Information Age, Write a renamed blog post, +10 IP
I have no idea what IP is for but I want more!

Will he keep giving me achievements? You can bet I'll post them here if he does!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

What is the Three Game Rule?

Hello! Gaming Abroad is getting a facelift! I decided Gaming Abroad was no longer an appropriate name since I'm not in Europe anymore, thus the blog is now renamed to Three Game Rule. Welcome back to anyone who used to read this, and welcome new readers! I hope to update a couple times a week. Join me in a crazy journey through my own game collection!

Now you may be wondering, what is the Three Game Rule? It's simple, I have to beat three games in order to buy a new one. Now why would anyone need a rule like this? Let's just say I have an addiction to buying games. 

Here's a photo of the games I've finished:

Games Susi has beaten

Now granted there are a couple missing, either games I've gifted away because they were so awesome, or things on the PC which I don't have boxes for...

For comparison sake, here are games I have not finished:

Games Susi has not beaten

As you can see I have a game problem, namely I have too many.

Some of you may be wondering why I don't finish games. 
Do I just not play very much? Well I'd say I average between 30-50 hours of gaming a week, so it's not a time problem. 
What the hell am I playing then if not these unbeaten games? Lots of League of Legends and MMOs... You know the sorts of games you can't really "finish".

So join me on this journey of game playing and buying. Maybe one day I will make it through my collection, I certainly have lots and lots of games to play (what's pictured doesn't include a handful of games on PC I haven't finished).

So what's up for this week? I'm primarily playing Rift and Neverwinter Online, but am hoping to put a couple hours into Bioshock, Pokemon Pearl, and Assassin's Creed 2. Check back on Monday to see what progress I've made over the weekend! Spoilers: It will probably be about Rift.