Thursday, May 3, 2012

Origins of Hookah

I have decided that I will be writing about Hookah as well, because it's my blog and other game bloggers write about random stuff too. So expect a random hookah post mixed in with the posts about gaming. I'll even talk about good games to play while smoking, which there aren't too many because you need one hand to smoke. Or you need to get really good at hands-free smoking.

Writing about hookah makes my blog slightly international still, since hookah originated in India about a millennia ago. It was designed out of coconut shells and was meant to smoke Opium and hashish. The hookah made it's way through Persia where people started smoking Tombeik with it. Tombeik is a type of tobacco grown in modern day Iran. They redesigned the hookah at this point and it was made out of wood. About 500 years ago hookah made it's way to Turkey, where modern day hookahs were designed. It was primarily smoked by the upper classes and intellectuals. This is where it changed from a wooden design to glass and brass and became more of an artwork.

Evolution of Hookah

200-300 years ago hookah cafes became popular in Turkey. Hookah spread into Lebanon and Egypt and around this time shisha as we know it came to be. Shisha is what we refer to in America as the tobacco you smoke out of a hookah and is tobacco, honey molasses, and dried fruit. This is brief overview of the history of hookah, you can read more here if you would like more detailed information.

"Cigarettes are for nervous people, competitive people, people on the run [...] When you smoke a narghile, you have time to think. It teaches you patience and tolerance, and gives you an appreciation of good company. Narghile smokers have a much more balanced approach to life than cigarette smokers." (Ismet Ertep, 71 years Turkey)

When we were in Germany during the summer would we bring on of our hookahs down to the river (the Danube). We enjoyed many lazy warm summer days smoking, grilling, and drinking. 

We also enjoyed bringing the joys of beer pong to Europeans. The French folks in our group got very good at playing. 

A gaming post to follow this one tomorrow! Check back =)

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. 


  1. Hookah is a gateway to great conversation, and good times with friends. You cannot Buy Hookah without these accessories as that will just make everything less enjoyable for you Our online Sahara - hookahs' store provide stems, bowls, charcoal etc.

  2. Hookah is very popular between peoples of every country.Hookah works as a time pass in the group of friends.People can buy hookah from shops or anywhere.You can also bought this from our online shop Buy Hookah Online.
