Thursday, June 28, 2012

Help Colorado

I'm posting less about games and more about everything else. I should have named it Susi's Random Blog instead of Gaming Abroad, oh well.

Colorado is experiencing a series of wild fires. One is in my home town of Colorado Springs, the Waldo Canyon fire. 18,500 acres have burned but the fire is only 5% contained.
No home for you =(
Smoke cloud from a distance
Over 300 homes and business have been destroyed. 32,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes.

I'm asking anyone with a kind heart to donate to one of these organizations. Even $5 can make a difference.

Pikes Peak Red Cross 
Care and Share A southern Colorado food bank
Wild Fire Tees A group of business owners who designed T-shirts for the relief effort. Buy a shirt and proceeds will split between the Colorado Red Cross and Care and Share
North Shore Animal League Help support pets displaced by fire. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

{Geschichten von Regensburg} Nach Kosovo!

(Post in English soon to follow)

Hallo! Das ist mein erster Post auf Deutsch. Ich werde ab heute mehr auf Deutsch schreiben, aber ihr koennt immer alles auch auf Englisch lesen.

So Kosovo. Warum wuerde jemand nach Kosovo reisen? Als ich in Regensburg war, hatten wir zwischen den Semestern zwei Monate frei. Meine Freunde wollten nach Osteuropa reisen und Kosovo war eins von den Laendern, die wir besucht haben. 

Meine Familie dachte es war eine total bloedeIdee. Meine Tante hat zu mir gesagt dass man nicht als Tourist nach Kosovo geht, wollten wir nicht lieber nach Griechenland oder in die Tuerkei? Ich habe zu ihr gesagt dass meine Freunde nach Kosovo wollen, also sind wir dahin gefahren. Ich habe nichts davon zu meinen Eltern gesagt bis ich zuruck in Deutschland war.

Wohin in Kosovo? Pristina! Die Hauptstadt sieht so aus...

Die Verschmutzung in Pristina
Wie faehrt man eigentlich nach Kosovo? Man kann es nicht mit dem Zug machen, so sind wir mit einem Bus gefahren. Sechs Stunden von Belgrad nach Pristina. Es war eine sehr lange Busfahrt... ohne Klimaanlage,
gut das wir im Maerz gereist sind.

Die Jugenherberge war schoen. Wir hatten Internet und einen Fernseher! Das Wasser war aber nicht immer warm... Was kann man in Pristina machen? Ich war fuer einen Tag da und wir sind  ein bisschen rum
gelaufen. Bilder sind dafuer gut, seh mal.
Eine Bibliothek
Hotel Victory
Eine Strasse, Taxifahrer hier sind verrueckt
Spazieren mit Freunden :)

 Am Abend haben wir Bier gekauft und einen Park gefunden. Da war ein Mann auf einem Motorrad. Er ist einfach durch den Park gefahren, fuer zehn Minuten oder so, immer im Kreis rum.

Motorrad Mann
Tschuss Kosovo, ich werde dich nie vergessen!

{Business Spotlight} Jimdo

Alright, so this isn't game related. I've decided to write about neat companies I come across. For this week we have Jimdo, a website creation service.

What is Jimdo?

Jimdo enables people to make their own professional or personal websites. This is done through an online interface that is easy to use. With a Jimdo website you can add and modify pages and pictures, add a blog, upload videos, and even have an online store for a business. The best part is you can do this all for free. Jimdo offers premium services for a fee (Pro members pay only $7.50 per month or $20 per month for Business members) which include extra features, a domain name, and an email account.

Why should I use Jimdo?
The Jimdo web creator interface is easy to use. It gives you a ton of options and flexibility to make a website. If you can imagine it you can build it. They offer support in multiple languages and have servers around the world. So if the server in your area goes down, your website it rerouted to the nearest server and should never be down.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to and try making a website yourself! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Borderlands First Impressions

I'm a bit behind on talking about the games I've been playing. The CEO of Gamestop is visiting our store this week, which has made things hectic to say the least. Onto Borderlands!

Lilith and her Robot Friend
Borderlands is a FPRPS (First Person Role Playing Shooter) for the PS3, Xbox360, and PC. You can co-op with up to four people, though only two on a console unless you're online. I played it on PS3 and since we have a plasma TV this made the split screen vertical as opposed to horizontal. Playing a vertical split screen was annoying at first, because when you open your menus you have to scroll around to see everything. Eventually I got used to this and it does make it easier to see things while in combat.

My favorite part of the game is your little robot friends. They've got cute little voices and dance randomly. I love those little dancing robots. I personally am not a huge fan of shooters, but they are starting to grow on me and Borderlands has helped with that. I find it satisfying to score a head shot. I'm getting better at aiming and ammo management as well, though still run out of ammo more frequently than I would like.

I blindly picked the female character Lilith and am glad I did. Lilith's phasewalk ability lets her get in close and personal, and also allows her to escape if things get hairy. I enjoy using the sniper rifle when I can. My boyfriend and I are playing through the campaign together and having fun doing it.

Initially I just checked this game out from work (think of it like a 3 day rental) but quickly turned around and bought the game of the year edition. If you are looking for an intro to shooters and have some buddies to play it with this is a good pick. We also pre-ordered Borderlands 2, which is set to release September 18th. Looking forward to spending more time in Pandora!

So what did I play next? Let's see. I beat Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect. Then I checked out Disgaea 3 and MLB the Show 2008. I'm still playing MMOs, will get some posts on those I promise. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Quick Impression: Warhammer 40k Space Marine

Last week I checked out Warhammer 40k Space Marine for the PS3. I only played an hour or two, so this will be pretty quick.

Must kill Orks
Space Marine is a 3rd person shooter, where you kill Orks, lots and lots of Orks. Personally I prefer to kill non-humans, so I was entertained by killing Orks. My boyfriend said it felt like Gears of War and Shrek made a video game baby.

My favorite part of the game was the ability to do melee combat. I like going up to things and whacking them with a sword, chainsaw, you know whatever I happen to have in my hand. You could gain health back by doing melee combat by doing a gruesome killing blow.

For any parents out there who have a nagging child who wants to play M rated games, I would say this is a better choice than anything in the Call of Duty series. There is a lot of blood, but you're killing Orks, not people. It plays fairly similarly to Call of Duty, namely you have a gun, you get objective points, and you run around and kill everything green in sight. I'm noticing a repeating theme in games with guns... I guess it's not that different than killing everything that moves in an MMO.

Next up: Borderlands

Monday, June 4, 2012

Diablo 3 Hardcore Mode: Kicking Butts and Taking Names.

Some of you may remember from my previous Diablo 3 post that I am exclusively playing on hardcore mode. For anyone who doesn't know in hardcore mode you have permadeath. So if you die, that's it, game over on the character.

I am proud to announce that I have successfully made it through all 4 acts of the normal campaign on Cuddles my Barbarian and am now playing in Nightmare mode, Act I. He is currently alive and kicking.
Badass Barbarian
Cuddles is my solo char. I've come close to dying on him a handful of times, but mostly it's been smooth sailing to level 33. I can't say same for my ranged characters who I've been playing with my boyfriend's Monk.

First Death
Lillyann the Wizard
I was feeling good playing Lilyann. We made it through Act I without issue and I was excited about hitting 20. A lot of my real ID friends were online at the time, so I was hoping they would see my level 20 hardcore achievement pop up. I even said to my BF, "I'm really looking forward to hitting 20" I almost immediately died. We came across a new mob, Fallen Lunatics. Fun fact, they explode. About 4 exploded on poor Lilyann and that was the end of her. I was upset she was dead, mourned for a while... then moved onto Deathy.

Second Death
Deathy the Witch Doctor
When I started playing Deathy I was not terribly impressed with the Witch Doctor. I did not like the way she talked, and thought her spells were "meh" in comparison to the wizard I was just playing. Though, the more levels I earned the more attached I became to her. By the time we were in the early 20s I was thinking, "Man this class is pretty cool, I really like it". Her death was the only time my BFs Monk died with my character. We lagged out. Completely. In a room with a yellow, and blues, and tons and tons of other stuff. *sigh* Thank you Blizzard for making this online only, *glare glare glare*. Ok can't give up. What's next? Let's see I haven't tried a Demon Hunter yet.

Third Death
Vile the Demon Hunter
Vile was pretty cool. She leveled with Kyle's new monk and we sped through Act I and Act II. This was old hat to us now, plus we had lots of yellow items in our stashes thanks to our dead characters. I was stacking mostly Dex on her, so she was squishy, very squishy. Maybe in Hardcore that wasn't a good idea, but things died so fast to her! Also she could turn invisible and had two other escape moves on the bar. I wasn't worried. Oh then Belial just ROFL-stomped her. I made the mistake of going into the upper left corner, so his arm blocked the view of the little puddles of goo he dropped. My BF killed him and ran off into the sunset. Vile was left as a blood smear on the ground. 

Fourth Death
AnnaMarie the Wizard
This one is embarrassing. I was playing by myself trying to catch up to my BF and I died about halfway through in Act I. Got surrounded. Let's just move on.

Fifth Death
LiveLongTime the Witch Doctor
I didn't know what to name this character, so I jokingly thought, "LiveLongTime" should be good. Well she did live longer than all of my other characters. LiveLongTime was level 36 when she died. We completed the game on normal and were playing nightmare. She died in the cave where the spider queen lives. I was trying to run away from some spiders, but got surrounded, was out of mana, and already used my potion. It was a quick death, and now I know "don't run that way in caves". RIP LiveLongTime. I will miss you.

Don't look too close to my time played on those chars... 

So what's next? I told my BF the next time we died we could swap roles, I would play melee and he go could go ranged. So the plan is to reroll, me as a Monk and he will play a Wizard. This should be interesting. I bet I still end up dying and somehow he lives. Ah well, it's fun and an adventure! One day, I will make it to level 60 and beat Inferno, someday maybe. At least that's the end goal. For now I would like to make it through Nightmare. Wish me luck, and I'm sure I'll have more updates about dead characters! 

Is anyone else playing hardcore mode? The only person we know is our best friend back in Colorado. I haven't found anyone else... Though I give my assistant manager at GameStop a hard time for not playing hardcore =p.

Friday, June 1, 2012

NBI wrap-up and more!

May has ended and with it the Newbie Blogger Initiative has come to a close, or so we thought. Syp has decided to start the NBI awards and somehow my blog is a nominee for "Promising star, general games and geekery" When I saw that I'm a nominee I was in utter shock. I'm still in shock. This means even more people will be looking at my blog O.o You can vote for me here.

I started this blog while I was far far away in the land of Germany drinking beer by the river and playing games, thus the name Gaming Abroad. I stopped blogging May 2011 and then started again for NBI. It just dawned on me that people other than my closest friends might actually be reading what I write. I'm writing for me about what I enjoy, which is why you'll see a couple posts about Hookah along with many posts about various games.

So what's to come? I have many stories about the adventures my friends and I had in various European countries that are currently sitting as drafts waiting to be finished. Hardcore mode in Diablo 3 is going well, expect an update next week. There will be more hookah posts. And of course random posts about various games I'm currently playing like TERA and the games I check out at GameStop. So stay tuned, hopefully you enjoy my ramblings and keep coming back for more, bwaha.

Thank you again to Syp for the encouragement to start blogging again and to all the sponsors for their advice. As a wrap up to May he asked us to post all the new blogs and sponsor posts so here ya go. It's quite the list.

New blogs to check out:
§  TL-DR
§  Funsponge
§  /con mmob
§  MMOARprz
Sponsor advice posts:
§  In An Age: Advice for new bloggers
§  Shards of Imagination: Choosing the subject of your blog
§  Contains Moderate Peril: Some general guidanceMind your languageStats,Episode 61
§  High Latency Life: Finding your voiceYou need a thick skin
§ General advice
§  World’s End Tavern: General tips
§  Parallel Context: The best advice
§  Tremayne’s Law: Read Think Write Edit
§  Avatars of Steel: Curling up with a good blog
§  Gamerlady: Tips to start
§  Live Like a Nerd: WordPress plugins for bloggers
§  Thade’s Hammer: Advice for the new bloggers
§  Psychochild: What makes your blog special
§  A Casual Stroll to Mordor: Learn how to podcastWriting for the web
§  Contains Moderate Peril: Episode 58Fine-turning your blog
§  A Green Mushroom: Blogging tips and hints
§  Too Many Annas: Picking a name
§  Grimnir’s Grudge: It feels good to be a blogger
§  Distilled Willpower: 8 blogging tips they won’t tell you
§  Vicarious Experience: From there to here
§  Multiplaying: You should be blogging
§  Blue Kae: Advice is a strong word
§  Screaming Monkeys: Top five tips
§  Caer Morrighan: Get started with WoW blogging
§  Hawt Pants: New blogger advice
§  Tiger Ears: Why I started blogging
§  Berath’s Brain Burps: Sage wordsHow to get lots and lots of hits
§  Just One More Unlock: Newbie blogger tipsOpportunity
§  Hunter’s Insight: An idea is formedWhat not to do
§  Epic Slant: Tips and linksGuest post
§  MMOGC: 3 little things
§  A Journey through the Mind: My 0.2 ISK
§  Epic Slant: Writer’s block
§  Creeping…: So you think you can blog
§  The Ancient Gaming Noob: Playing blogroll breadcrumbs
§  Dragonchasers: How not to build an audience
§  Welcome to Spinksville: What you should write and how to write it
§  The Stories of O: Top 4 tips
§  A Ding World: Blog posting
§  The Wild Boar Inn: Blogging tips
§  Professor Beej: Stop writing!
§ 4 blogging tips
§  Casual Is As Casual Does: Tips, tricks and who am I kidding
§  Roll One Hundred: Managing screenshots
§  Bullet Points: I refuse to call it a blogosphere
§  KIASA: Good advice
§  Pumping Irony: Before taking the plunge
§  Life is a Mind-Bending Puzzle: Wrapping up advice all in one place
§  Sheep the Diamond: Advice from an old bull