Some of you may remember from my previous Diablo 3 post that I am exclusively playing on hardcore mode. For anyone who doesn't know in hardcore mode you have permadeath. So if you die, that's it, game over on the character.
I am proud to announce that I have successfully made it through all 4 acts of the normal campaign on Cuddles my Barbarian and am now playing in Nightmare mode, Act I. He is currently alive and kicking.
Cuddles is my solo char. I've come close to dying on him a handful of times, but mostly it's been smooth sailing to level 33. I can't say same for my ranged characters who I've been playing with my boyfriend's Monk.
First Death
I am proud to announce that I have successfully made it through all 4 acts of the normal campaign on Cuddles my Barbarian and am now playing in Nightmare mode, Act I. He is currently alive and kicking.
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Badass Barbarian |
First Death
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Lillyann the Wizard |
I was feeling good playing Lilyann. We made it through Act I without issue and I was excited about hitting 20. A lot of my real ID friends were online at the time, so I was hoping they would see my level 20 hardcore achievement pop up. I even said to my BF, "I'm really looking forward to hitting 20" I almost immediately died. We came across a new mob, Fallen Lunatics. Fun fact, they explode. About 4 exploded on poor Lilyann and that was the end of her. I was upset she was dead, mourned for a while... then moved onto Deathy.
Second Death
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Deathy the Witch Doctor |
When I started playing Deathy I was not terribly impressed with the Witch Doctor. I did not like the way she talked, and thought her spells were "meh" in comparison to the wizard I was just playing. Though, the more levels I earned the more attached I became to her. By the time we were in the early 20s I was thinking, "Man this class is pretty cool, I really like it". Her death was the only time my BFs Monk died with my character. We lagged out. Completely. In a room with a yellow, and blues, and tons and tons of other stuff. *sigh* Thank you Blizzard for making this online only, *glare glare glare*. Ok can't give up. What's next? Let's see I haven't tried a Demon Hunter yet.
Third Death
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Vile the Demon Hunter |
Vile was pretty cool. She leveled with Kyle's new monk and we sped through Act I and Act II. This was old hat to us now, plus we had lots of yellow items in our stashes thanks to our dead characters. I was stacking mostly Dex on her, so she was squishy, very squishy. Maybe in Hardcore that wasn't a good idea, but things died so fast to her! Also she could turn invisible and had two other escape moves on the bar. I wasn't worried. Oh then Belial just ROFL-stomped her. I made the mistake of going into the upper left corner, so his arm blocked the view of the little puddles of goo he dropped. My BF killed him and ran off into the sunset. Vile was left as a blood smear on the ground.
Fourth Death
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AnnaMarie the Wizard |
This one is embarrassing. I was playing by myself trying to catch up to my BF and I died about halfway through in Act I. Got surrounded. Let's just move on.
Fifth Death
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LiveLongTime the Witch Doctor |
I didn't know what to name this character, so I jokingly thought, "LiveLongTime" should be good. Well she did live longer than all of my other characters. LiveLongTime was level 36 when she died. We completed the game on normal and were playing nightmare. She died in the cave where the spider queen lives. I was trying to run away from some spiders, but got surrounded, was out of mana, and already used my potion. It was a quick death, and now I know "don't run that way in caves". RIP LiveLongTime. I will miss you.
Don't look too close to my time played on those chars...
So what's next? I told my BF the next time we died we could swap roles, I would play melee and he go could go ranged. So the plan is to reroll, me as a Monk and he will play a Wizard. This should be interesting. I bet I still end up dying and somehow he lives. Ah well, it's fun and an adventure! One day, I will make it to level 60 and beat Inferno, someday maybe. At least that's the end goal. For now I would like to make it through Nightmare. Wish me luck, and I'm sure I'll have more updates about dead characters!
Is anyone else playing hardcore mode? The only person we know is our best friend back in Colorado. I haven't found anyone else... Though I give my assistant manager at GameStop a hard time for not playing hardcore =p.
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