Tuesday, February 24, 2015

After a long break....

Boy it's been a while since I posted in this. But no time like the present!

I think I'll just briefly go over where I'm at right now as far as the Three Game Rule goes. It's bad. I'm in serious game debt right now.

We'll start when I was not in game debt and tally them from there. Keep in mind a game beat counts for +1 a game purchase is -3

11.21.2014 I hit level 100 on my Paladin in WoW. Very exciting. This brought my game beat Game count to 0

12.2.2014 I beat Game of Thrones Episode 1
Game count +1

12.5.2014 I broke down and bought Dragon Age Inquisition for PC. It was short lived fun, as the game crashed repeatedly relatively early on.
Game count -2

12.5.14 - I also bought Pokemon Omega Sapphire, whoops, just can't resist a new Pokemon game
Game count -5

1.3.15 Bought Super Smash, Final Fantasy Explorers, Youkai Watch, Dragon Quest Monsters, and New Super Mario 2 for a Japanese New 3DS (I also bought a Japanese New 3DS)
Game count -10 (I didn't have it in me to count each one of these as -3, so instead I decided they should be -1 each, because learning!)
Game count -10

1.10.15 Beat Pokemon Y, whoo about time
Game count -9

1.12.15 Collected all puzzle pieces in Mii Plaza thing. I've counted this before, but I collected over 1000 pieces, I thought it was worth counting again since they keep adding puzzles
Game count -8

2.5.15 Bought PS4, Dragon Age Inquisition, and Destiny. I was having a bad day and wanted to buy things, so I did. This is why I need someone keeping tabs on my spending habits haha. I also told myself a console would be worth 30 game beats so we'll do -30 for the PS4 purchase and -3 for each game.... ugh
Game count -44

I'm never ever going to catch up. I certainly have 44 games to play (in my Steam library alone...) I might have to toss this whole rule out. Oh well.

Here's a photo of my Japanese games and new 3DS whee!

In closing I'm currently playing Final Fantasy 6 and have a story for that. Also I started collecting Amiibos, and am trying desperately hard to not go overboard in buying them.

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