Hello there welcome to my blog. This is my first time attempting this whole blog thing so let's see how it goes.
I've wanted to start a gaming blog, specifically focused on MMOs, for a while now. I'm calling this Gaming Abroad because well I'm studying abroad. Currently I'm in Regensburg, Germany at the University of Regensburg. I'm from Colorado though and an avid female gamer and MMO player.
I'll probably throw some other gaming related posts in here. On occasion I play Magic the Gathering with the local group here, so for the sake of keeping in the theme of gaming abroad I'll post any future experiences I have with them.
I purchased Rift in the middle of March before I went to Paris. I'm playing on the German server Brutmutter. My current main is a level 28 Cleric, Amishra. I joined a guild called Circle of Friends, which has been an interesting experience. It's an open recruitment type guild so you get all types of people in there. If you've ever been in one of these guilds you know what I mean. I fall into the social achiever category of MMO gamers, but I appreciate being in a guild who doesn't mind the fact that my German isn't completely up to par.
This is a picture of Amishra and her new hammer. The hammer is a reward for a quest you get from killing the big boss dudes from the Part 2 event for River of Souls event. So you Americans can have a chance at it on the weekend. Trust me you weren't missing much by them pushing it back a weekend, in fact be grateful. The event was a little buggy, which of course is why they cancelled it.
The biggest challenge I've had playing on a German server is understanding the German internet lingo/MMO slang they use. Not only do I have troubles sometimes understanding what they're saying, but I also feel uncomfortable telling people when they need to change something. For example today I ran Mines on my little Cleric with Warden as my main soul, so I was healing. Anyway it was clear after two or three pulls that we really needed to CC or risk wiping (we wiped 3 times in total on trash). The tank was ok at holding aggro but taking massive hits from 4 mobs. I have no clue what Germans say for CC (Crowd Control for you non-MMOers out there...) so in English I typed out "We need CC O.o" in hopes someone knew what I meant. Luckily they did and started turning mobs into squirrels. We finished the dungeon, but it was rough going. Even though the group was only ok, I felt I could have done a much better job healing. I'm still toying with my healing souls. I have a great build for PvP healing, but PvE healing is still a bit of a challenge for me. It's a bit disheartening since I've been a healer in every MMO I've played since EQ, time to do some research on the forums...
And in closing I would like to add a picture of me in Paris, because it's gaming abroad after all.