It was a dark stormy night in Stonefield. My faithful boar, Charlie, and I were enjoying an evening stroll when... a WILD RAM ATTACKED US!
Ok that was I lie. The ram was non-aggressive and I attacked it to take screenshots (Charlie was harmed during the taking of these screenshots, he died). I'm enjoying playing as my Ranger immensely. Charlie is the greatest companion I could ask for. He has great aggroing abilities and with my pet heal we can handle 4 mobs without much problem. Pets are nice when you want to get up and make a sandwich, because they'll take care of those nasty mobbies while you're afk. I only wished he looked cute.
Rangers are great soloers thanks to their pets. Too bad I get bored of solo content, but luckily Rift allows me to swap to another soul set and then TADA I can be a tank, or bard, or sneaky little roguey bastard. The soul system in Rift is amazing. For those of you who don't know, Rift gives you the option of 4 classes, Rogue, Cleric, Warrior, and Mage. Each class has 8 souls available to it, and you can have 3 souls active at one time. The souls are typical RPG classes, things like Necromancer, Paladin, Bard, and Shaman. You get to save 4 presets of your soul choices and swap anything you want outside of combat. I think it's super cool, and you would think it would solve my altaholism... You can find a full list of the Rift classes here.

Sometimes I don't pay attention to Charlie's health while we are questing together. This almost always results in his death and I follow him to the grave pretty quickly thereafter. This is a picture of a dead Xeoni the Ranger. I should take better care of Charlie the boar.
My one problem with Rift is there seem to be updates nearly every day. This is good of course because they are fixing problems but I have a daily limit on my internet. I'm allowed 1 gig total in upload and download. MMOs luckily do not consume bandwidth in mass, but when I get surprised with a 100 meg patch I kiss 1/10th of my internet for the day goodbye. Ah, well the real problem here is that pesky internet limit. Darn you student housing! The internet likes to go down at random times as well... should be interesting if I ever get to raiding in Rift.
And I'll never forget Paris.
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