Hi my name is Susi and I'm an altaholic (Someone who can not focus on just one character in an online game, usually known as their main. These people have many "alt"ernate characters) urbandictionary.com. I've decided to abandon my Cleric in Rift for now and start playing a Rogue Kelari named Xeoni. I enjoy healing, but the draw of the bard was too strong. I'm leveling as a Ranger-Marksman-Saboteur, and having a blast both in PvE and PvP so far.
I have a new-found love for PvP and I believe League of Legends is to blame. A buddy of mine from Colorado (check out his blog http://www.bsamaripa.com/) and I have been playing a couple LoL games. We were lucky last night and had two phenomenal teams. After not playing for months I'm finally getting back into the swing of it. I love pwning newbs. Find me as TowerDivingPanda if you want to play.
I don't quite get the same rush playing PvP in Rift as I do in LoL but it is enjoyable all the same. It's also a great break from constantly questing.
I think I'll add another picture from Paris.

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