Monday, April 25, 2011


This week World of Warcraft is hosting my favorite of their events, Noblegarden. Blizzard brings happy easter joy to it's cash cow WoW. The basic premise is to go to a starting towns and collect eggs. Eggs contain chocolate which allow you to buy easter items from Noblegarden vendors. The items available for purchase include, a rabbit pet, and event clothing, along with a few other fun festive prizes. I
honestly don't care too much about the item rewards
themselves. The joy of this event for me has always been egg hunting. The eggs spawn in the same spots, but there is a competitive nature to attempting to get all the eggs before everyone else.

I am currently playing more Rift than WoW, but the newest addition to the dungeon finder may change that. It's called Call to Arms and basically incentivizes tanks to queue by giving them extra rewards such as rare mounts. I would really love Reins of the Raven Lord. You can read more about Call to Arms on WoWs official website.

More to come on Wednesday!
Beach at Sitges, near Barcelona.

1 comment:

  1. /clap /bow other than that just /chicken and find some eggs
