Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Thoughts After Completion and Randomly Picking a New Game to Beat

So I finished my first traditional shooter (according to Kyle Borderlands doesn't count because it's a RPG). I tend to avoid the entire shooter genre because I don't enjoy it. Something about mowing down tons of dudes with guns just doesn't do it for me. So you can guess from the title I finished Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I'm told this is the best of the CoD games and if that's a case I think I can pass on the rest of the series.

The last time I played a CoD game it was Modern Warfare 3. I'm pretty sure all CoD games have confusing story lines and lackluster characters, because both games had that feature in common. And guns, they both had those too.

I thought it was funny I was playing as Soap, so he was the only character who's name I actually remembered. The title itself bothers me. "Modern" Warfare, I'm pretty sure in "modern" warfare you don't mow down hundreds and hundreds of mans with only a gun and survive. Though what do I know, I've never been in a war zone. Also how were the Russians and the Arabs linked? I missed that. I think the game was just about killing people who Americans don't like. Should have been some Germans in there too. Because you know training people to dislike entire countries is really healthy. *Too liberal for war games*

The difficulty curve was frustrating. For the first time ever in a shooter I played on Normal difficulty instead of Easy because the game decided in the beginning through a tutorial that's where I would fit. And most of the time I felt it was accurate. Until random missions were nearly impossible to finish... I'm pretty sure I'm bad, but the difficulty curve was annoying. It was a snake not a curve, moving around all snake like.

Dressing up as a mop was the highlight of the game for me. Also sniping is easy mode so I'm good at that.
When I played CoD: MW3 I wrote a list of ways that I died. I'm going to do the same again, but sadly this time there were no trees to kill me.

All the deaths
1) Dogs
2) Cars
3) Tanks
4) Barrels
5) LOTS of grenades, I swear I see the indicator and walk into it

I'm pretty sure I'll play a CoD game again, because we own Black Ops and it's a really quick way to get a game beat. But for now I'm going to my random list and picking one.

These are in totally random order:
1. Okami
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. Last of Us
4. Far Cry 3
5. CoD Black Ops
6. Skyrim
7. Mass Effect 3
8. Dragon Age 2
9. Persona 4
10. Fire Emblem (3DS)
11. FFIV
12. FFXIII-2
13. Katamari (some PS3 version)

Ya those are all games in our collection I haven't beaten (note: there are a lot more games than the ones listed I haven't beaten). Hell some of those I haven't played. Time to go to the random generator. I'm going to be pissed if I role a 5. I should have taken it off the list.

I'm so game ADD this is the only way I can even pick one ><

2 WINS! Looks like my next challenge is Binfinite. I'm just glad I didn't get 5.

I'm a little disappointed I won't be killing Big Daddys with wrenches....
I enjoyed Bioshock, so hopefully this one is just as good.

On a side note I'm doing a really good job of beating quicky games and might actually be able to buy a new game soon! I'm looking at you Beyond Two Souls, I don't care if you have mixed reviews. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Game Progress #4

Oy, it's been a while since I've written anything, which is a shame since it was motivating me to play single player games. Ah well, let's see how this writing blog thing works :D

Games beaten
I have a slew of games to report being completed. Here we go.

Borderlands for PC
Behold a random promo photo!
Ok I beat this months ago. The ending was, uh confusing? I remember sitting there scratching my head wondering why there was

no treasure in the vault. We were greeted by a giant monster instead. Kyle assured me Borderlands 2 would be better at explaining things. Uh haven't finished Borderlands 2 so who knows if it really does any better at explaining things.

90 in WoW for PC
Not my Death Knight, but whatever
So I don't remember if I wrote about my Priest hitting 90 or my Death Knight. I'm going to assume I wrote about my Priest hitting 90. The Death Knight making it to 90 was relatively uneventful, and I haven't been playing WoW for the last month or so.

Ni No Kuni for PS3
Man I love this game
Also beat Ni No Kuni months ago, but man what a great game. Go play it. That's all I have to say.

Kingdom Rush: Frontiers for iPad

Ok if you have an iPad go download this game. It's a fun little tower defense that will have you hooked for hours. I should have gotten two game beats out of this. One for finishing all of the levels and a 2nd for finishing all the challenge modes, but they released three more levels before I finished the challenge modes. Ugh, must finish all new levels and challenges for a 2nd game beat. Lamesauce. But seriously download it.

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty for PC

Ok I've owned this game since the day it came out and I finished the first campaign Wings of Liberty today. It was a lot of fun, but I feel the dripping masculinity a little bit frustrating. I'm looking forward to playing Heart of the Swarm to have an actual female character in the story. All the women-folk were weak and did not play major roles. I was annoyed that Kerrigan was portrayed as the "damsel-in-distress" for the majority of the game, even though she was a badass Zerg leader! Is it really that bad to ask for strong female characters in games?

On a side note I doubt I'll become a competitive Star Craft player anytime soon. I did remember how much I enjoy RTSs however :)

Games played this week

Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn for PC
Pretty game!
I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIVARR since it released a month ago. I had the pleasure of taking part of the Titan challenge at PAX and have a shirt to prove I took him down. ^^ My job is 37 White Mage, but I was a lot of time dabbling with other jobs and gathering, particularly fishing. My fishing almost caught up to my white mage level which seemed sad, given that it's pretty slow and boring. Ah well. I should probably dedicate a post to how awesome FFXIVARR is and why you should play it.

Beat Buddy for PC
Beat Buddy is a fun little platformer by a German game company. We ran into them at PAX and I played a quick demo, fell in love. Kyle gifted it to me on Steam when we got back. The levels are pretty long, take 40-50 minutes on average (well average for me, but I'm hella bad at platformers...) If you're looking for a cute little indie platformer with some sweet music check this one out.

Due to buying Final Fantasy I'm in game debt right now. I did not have three game beats when I bought it >< I only had one. Beating StarCraft today means I only have one left to be caught up but a bunch of awesome games are coming out this month!  I need to finish 4 games to buy Beyond Two Souls on Tuesday.  Back to the gamesors I go!