Friday, May 11, 2012

The WoW Ironman Continued (Level 18)

Hello folks! Last week I talked about my first experiences with the Ironman WoW Competition. Today I give you a quick update on my 2nd attempt. We ended last week with the death of Iroknee and the birth of Norastandel a blood elf hunter. 
She is progressing through the levels at a better pace than Iroknee did. I've reached level 18 without too much issue and it's been smooth sailing so far. I have no had any close calls yet.

I keep wondering when Ironman will become difficult. Yes I failed on my first character at level 8 because I was stupid, but the hunter seems almost too easy so far. I think it will be when gear starts becoming relatively important, possibly in the Burning Crusade zones. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how long Norastandel lives.

Have you done Ironman? What's the highest level you made it to? Which class did you play? 


  1. I haven't started it myself, but it's definitely on my list of 10,000 things to do. I remember reading another post about the Iron Man experience, and they were shattered because they died falling off a cliff. Ouch.

    1. If you're looking a something new to do in WoW it is an interesting challenge. I would cry if a cliff was the end of me.
