Saturday, May 18, 2013

What is the Three Game Rule?

Hello! Gaming Abroad is getting a facelift! I decided Gaming Abroad was no longer an appropriate name since I'm not in Europe anymore, thus the blog is now renamed to Three Game Rule. Welcome back to anyone who used to read this, and welcome new readers! I hope to update a couple times a week. Join me in a crazy journey through my own game collection!

Now you may be wondering, what is the Three Game Rule? It's simple, I have to beat three games in order to buy a new one. Now why would anyone need a rule like this? Let's just say I have an addiction to buying games. 

Here's a photo of the games I've finished:

Games Susi has beaten

Now granted there are a couple missing, either games I've gifted away because they were so awesome, or things on the PC which I don't have boxes for...

For comparison sake, here are games I have not finished:

Games Susi has not beaten

As you can see I have a game problem, namely I have too many.

Some of you may be wondering why I don't finish games. 
Do I just not play very much? Well I'd say I average between 30-50 hours of gaming a week, so it's not a time problem. 
What the hell am I playing then if not these unbeaten games? Lots of League of Legends and MMOs... You know the sorts of games you can't really "finish".

So join me on this journey of game playing and buying. Maybe one day I will make it through my collection, I certainly have lots and lots of games to play (what's pictured doesn't include a handful of games on PC I haven't finished).

So what's up for this week? I'm primarily playing Rift and Neverwinter Online, but am hoping to put a couple hours into Bioshock, Pokemon Pearl, and Assassin's Creed 2. Check back on Monday to see what progress I've made over the weekend! Spoilers: It will probably be about Rift. 

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